Early Morning Birdsong in South of England

Imagine walking outside as the early morning air is filled with the sound of birdsong, the sun just starting to rise in the wilds of South England.

The Song Thrush's rich, fluty song can be heard above the other birds, and its melodic notes seem to fill the air. The Robin and Blackbird add their own voices to the chorus, and their cheerful melodies are a joy to listen to. The Black Cap's sweet, warbling song is also prominent, and it adds a touch of elegance to the mix.

The Wren's tiny, energetic song is a delightful contrast to the other birds, and the House Sparrow and Dunnock add their own chirps and trills to the mix. The Blue Tit, Great Tit, and Long-tailed Tit add their own lively songs to the chorus, and the Chaffinch, Goldcrest, and Gold Finch include their own sweet melodies.

We hope this beautiful and uplifting audio experience does the same to your day!

For longer play, check out the 11-Hour version on YouTube.

Thanks to the wonderful audio work of user strangely_gnarled of freesound.org, who recorded these sounds in April 2009.  Looped to an extended 11 hours for your listening pleasure.
Early Morning Birdsong in South of England
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