Late Afternoon Birdsong in the South of Wales

Experience the beauty of the Wales countryside through the ears of a late afternoon birdwatcher. Immerse yourself in the natural symphony of the forest as you listen to the captivating song of a singing Song Thrush, plus the occasional crow call and other birds.

The Song thrush is a beautiful bird found in Europe, Asia, and some parts of Africa. This migratory bird is known for its melodic and intricate songs which are unique to each individual. The Song thrush is an omnivore and feeds on a variety of food, including snails, earthworms, fruits, and insects.  It is usually coloured brown and speckled, with a distinctive orange-brown spot on its breast. The male and female look similar, but the male has a brighter and more distinctive orange-brown spot.

One interesting thing about the Song thrush is its feeding behavior. It uses a stone as an anvil to crack open the shells of snails.

Unfortunately, the Song thrush population has declined in recent decades due to factors such as habitat loss, pesticide use, and others. In some areas, it is considered a species of conservation concern.

If 8 hours isn't long enough for you, check out the 11-Hour version on YouTube.

Thanks to the wonderful audio work of Benboncan of
Late Afternoon Birdsong in the South of Wales
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